Archives 2019 Vol. 59, No. 3

Vol. 59, No. 3, 2019


Role of Recovery Processes in the Expression of Cell Genetic Instability

Evstratova Е.S., Petin V.G.
pp. 229-234

Mechanisms of Radiosensitizing Effect of Niclosamide in MCF-7 Mammospheres with Increased Number of Cancer Stem Cells

Shuvatova V.G., Kuvyrchenkova A.P., Semochkina Yu. P., Moskaleva E. Yu.
pp. 235-242

Features of Long-term Cultured Adipose Tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Response to γ-Irradiation

Rodina A.V., Semochkina Y.P., Vysotskaya O.V., Glukhov A.I., Moskaleva E. Yu.
pp. 243-254

Changes in the Composition and Fluorescent Properties of Bisretinoids in the Retina and Retinal Pigment Epithelium of the Mouse Eye by the Action of Ionizing Radiation

Yakovleva M.A., Lyakhova K.N., Utina D.M., Vinogradova U.V., Kolesnikova I.A., Feldman T.B.,, Ostrovsky M.A.,,
pp. 255-260

The “Radiation-Induced Non-Targeted Effects” and their Role in Human Cell Response to Low Radiation Forcing

Pelevina I.I., Petushkova V.V., Biryukov V.А., Akleyev A.V.,, Neifakh Е.А., Minaeva N.G., Ktitorova О.V., Aleshchenko А.V.,, Pleshakova R.I.
pp. 261-273

Evaluation of Antiradiation Efficiency of Flagellin in Experiments on Mice

Lisina N.I., Shchegoleva R.A., Shlyakova T.G., Zorin V.V., Shkayev A.E., Rozhdestvensky L.M.
pp. 274-278

Effects of Indralin on Immune-Hematological Parameters and DNA Damagein Irradiated ICR (CD-1) Outbred Mice

Bushmanov A. Yu., Vorobyeva N. Yu.,, Blokhina T.M.,, Andrianova I.E., Stavrakova N.M., Bychkova T.M.,, Nikitenko O.V.,, Yashkina E.I., Gordeev A.V., Karaulova T.A., Vorontsova M.D., Ignatov M.A., Osipov A.N.,, Ivanov A.A.,,
pp. 279-285

Expression of Gibberelline Biosynthesis and Catabolism Genesin the Embryos of γ-Irradiated Barley Seeds

Bitarishvili S.V., Bondarenko V.S., Geras'kin S.A.
pp. 286-292

The Effect of γ-Rays on the Development of Plants from Irradiated Seeds and Seedlings of Allium cepa L

Trofimova E.A., Dementyev D.V., Bolsunovsky A. Ya.
pp. 293-299

Effects of Exposure to Low Intensity Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fieldon Exploratory Behavior of Rats

Rubtsova N.B., Perov S. Yu., Belaya O.V., Grebenyuk A.N.
pp. 300-304

The Effect of Deuterium on the Expression of Inducible Genes Esсherichia coli

Abilev S.K.,, Igonina E.V., Smirnova S.V., Rubanovich A.V.
pp. 305-310

Research of Tritium Content in Soil in the Places of Nuclear Testingon the Territory of Semipalatinsk Test Site

Aktayev M.R., Lukashenko S.N., Aidarkhanov A.O., Lyakhova О.N., Тоktaganov Т.S., Tokarev I.V.
pp. 311-320

Size Dependent Accumulation of Radiocesium (137Cs) in Muscles and Bodiesof Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in the Yenisei River

Zotina T.A.,, Trofimova E.A., Dementyev D.V.
pp. 321-328

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