Role of Recovery Processes in the Expression of Cell Genetic Instability
- Evstratova Е.S., Petin V.G.
- pp. 229-234
Mechanisms of Radiosensitizing Effect of Niclosamide in MCF-7 Mammospheres with Increased Number of Cancer Stem Cells
- Shuvatova V.G., Kuvyrchenkova A.P., Semochkina Yu. P., Moskaleva E. Yu.
- pp. 235-242
Features of Long-term Cultured Adipose Tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Response to γ-Irradiation
- Rodina A.V., Semochkina Y.P., Vysotskaya O.V., Glukhov A.I., Moskaleva E. Yu.
- pp. 243-254
Changes in the Composition and Fluorescent Properties of Bisretinoids in the Retina and Retinal Pigment Epithelium of the Mouse Eye by the Action of Ionizing Radiation
- Yakovleva M.A., Lyakhova K.N., Utina D.M., Vinogradova U.V., Kolesnikova I.A., Feldman T.B.,, Ostrovsky M.A.,,
- pp. 255-260
The “Radiation-Induced Non-Targeted Effects” and their Role in Human Cell Response to Low Radiation Forcing
- Pelevina I.I., Petushkova V.V., Biryukov V.А., Akleyev A.V.,, Neifakh Е.А., Minaeva N.G., Ktitorova О.V., Aleshchenko А.V.,, Pleshakova R.I.
- pp. 261-273
Evaluation of Antiradiation Efficiency of Flagellin in Experiments on Mice
- Lisina N.I., Shchegoleva R.A., Shlyakova T.G., Zorin V.V., Shkayev A.E., Rozhdestvensky L.M.
- pp. 274-278
Effects of Indralin on Immune-Hematological Parameters and DNA Damagein Irradiated ICR (CD-1) Outbred Mice
- Bushmanov A. Yu., Vorobyeva N. Yu.,, Blokhina T.M.,, Andrianova I.E., Stavrakova N.M., Bychkova T.M.,, Nikitenko O.V.,, Yashkina E.I., Gordeev A.V., Karaulova T.A., Vorontsova M.D., Ignatov M.A., Osipov A.N.,, Ivanov A.A.,,
- pp. 279-285
Expression of Gibberelline Biosynthesis and Catabolism Genesin the Embryos of γ-Irradiated Barley Seeds
- Bitarishvili S.V., Bondarenko V.S., Geras'kin S.A.
- pp. 286-292
The Effect of γ-Rays on the Development of Plants from Irradiated Seeds and Seedlings of Allium cepa L
- Trofimova E.A., Dementyev D.V., Bolsunovsky A. Ya.
- pp. 293-299
Effects of Exposure to Low Intensity Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fieldon Exploratory Behavior of Rats
- Rubtsova N.B., Perov S. Yu., Belaya O.V.,
Grebenyuk A.N.
- pp. 300-304
The Effect of Deuterium on the Expression of Inducible Genes Esсherichia coli
- Abilev S.K.,, Igonina E.V., Smirnova S.V.,
Rubanovich A.V.
- pp. 305-310
Research of Tritium Content in Soil in the Places of Nuclear Testingon the Territory of Semipalatinsk Test Site
- Aktayev M.R., Lukashenko S.N., Aidarkhanov A.O.,
Lyakhova О.N., Тоktaganov Т.S., Tokarev I.V.
- pp. 311-320
Size Dependent Accumulation of Radiocesium (137Cs) in Muscles and Bodiesof Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in the Yenisei River
- Zotina T.A.,, Trofimova E.A., Dementyev D.V.
- pp. 321-328