Archives2019Vol. 59, No. 3pp. 229-234


Role of Recovery Processes in the Expression of Cell Genetic Instability

Evstratova Е.S., Petin V.G.

A. Tsyb Medical Radiological Research Center – branch of the National Medical Research Radiological Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Obninsk, Russia


For yeast cells, it has been traditionally assumed that genetic instability estimated by the delay in the formation of colonies by irradiated cells is more pronounced for diploid yeast cells capable of recovery from radiation damage and characterized by a sigmoid form of the dose-response curve. In contrast to this point of view, the data of this paper exhibit a significant genetic instability for diploid cells not only of a wild type, but also for radiosensitive mutant strains with exponential survival curves. Independence of genetic instability from the shape of the survival curves and cell recovery ability was confirmed in this work after exposure of cells to UV-light, γ-rays, and α-particles. It is concluded that the effect of late appearance of colonies of the yeast cells surviving after exposure to various agents is ambiguously related to the shape of the survival curve and the ability of cells to recover from radiation damage, but is uniquely determined by cell ploidy.


genetic instability, yeast cells, ploidy, UV light, γ-rays, α-particles

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