General Recommendations
Manuscripts should be prepared for submission using guidelines for the journal.
PDF (325 kB)The Editorial Board only considers papers submitted in the publisher electronic form or to the e-mail address . Submission must include all files containing elements of an article (text, tables, and illustrations) in PDF and one of the following formats: DOC, DOCX, or RTF. TeX files should be submitted if a journal accepts manuscripts in TeX. Оriginal files of illustrations corresponding to the technical requirements should also be included. Recommendations for preparation of the manuscript text can be found here. The manuscript files must take into account all peer reviewer notes and editor corrections.
Files and accompanying documents should be compressed in one archive (preferably a ZIP file). Names assigned to files submitted to the Journal must contain 8--12 Latin characters and numbers, and present information about the name of the author and content of the file, e.g., ivanov_text_s_ris.doc, ivanov_text_bez_ris.doc, ivanov_ris.doc, ris_01.jpg, etc.
The manuscript should contain the complete affiliation of each author, including country, city, zip code, and address for correspondence, as well as the e-mail address of the corresponding author. Since proofs are sent to authors only by e-mail, it is recommended that additional backup e-mail addresses be included. If a manuscript has several authors, it is recommended that the e-mail addresses of more than one author be included, and that these addresses be checked regularly.
Current Issue
Agreement as pdf file signed by all co-authors must be submitted by e-mail together with all materials of the article. Original hard copies of the agreement (two copies) must be sent by post to the address of the Editorial Board.
Yes, authors are provided with pdf files. The files are sent to the authors' addresses specified in the file "Information about authors".