Publication Ethics
The Editorial Board of the journal Radiation biology. Radioecology in its work and relationships with the authors adheres to the principles of publication ethics, developed based on the following existing rules and standards:
- Statement adopted by the Second World Conference on Research Integrity (Singapore, July 22-24, 2010);
- Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines developed and approved by the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (Non-profit partnership Committee on Publication Ethics — COPE,, and the regulations stipulated by Chapter 70 «Copyright» of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject a paper in the event of the violation of the rules listed below.
By submitting their works for publication in the journal Radiation biology. Radioecology the authors guarantee that the articles are original (were not previously published in other journals in their current or similar form of content), are not submitted for publication in other journals, and all potential conflicts of interest, related to copyright and publication of these articles, are settled.
The authors confirm, that their publication does not violate any existing copyright, and guarantee guarantees to indemnify the publisher for losses in case of such violations revealed. For the convenience of dissemination and implementation of policies of use of the materials, the authors convey to the publisher the exclusive ownership of the manuscript, unless otherwise specified.
Before submitting the article to the Editorial Board, the authors must obtain permissions to use any content of other authors. Violation of this condition may lead to lengthy delays in publication. The authors should be prepared to submit written permission to use such content on the demand of Editorial Board.
The tables, images or text fragments (of more than 400 words) from other sources may be reproduced, if the authors:
- received a printed or electronic written permission of usage from all the owners of the rights to texts, pictures, graphs, charts, or other materials that the author used in his manuscript, as well as any minor adaptation of the materials created by others;
- при значительных изменениях материала, созданного другими лицами и использованного в рукописи, сообщили об этом правообладателю материала;
- reported to the owner of the rights to the material in case of significant changes of the material used in the aforementioned material;
- specified the data source in the description of the figures and replicated it in the list of References to the paper;
- in case of using any content, freely available on the Internet, previously specified information about the owners of the rights, and received their permission to use (reprint) the material.
The following is unacceptable:
- verbatim quotation of more than 10% of another author's work without proper in-text attribution and reference to the source;
- inadequate paraphrase of another person's work changing more than one sentence within a paragraph or section of the original text;
- paraphrasing plagiarism (over 10% of original work) without reference to the source, which is equivalent to verbatim plagiarism;
- using elements of another person's work without reference to the authorship, e.g., figure, table, or a paragraph without acknowledgment or reference to the source.
The authors must certify that the manuscript is original and is to be published for the first time. If the elements of the manuscript have been previously published in another paper, including the journal Thermal Engineering, the authors are obliged to refer to the earlier work, indicate the essence of significant difference between the new work and the previous one and at the same time they must reveal its connection with the results of research and the findings and conclusions presented in the previous paper. Verbatim quotation of the author's own prior works and their paraphrase are not acceptable; they may only be used as the basis for new conclusions.
The Editorial Board recommends the authors to specify in the References to the paper the materials that they have prepared earlier (in the study, which laid the foundation of the submitted manuscript).
Resolving disputes related to plagiarism
The Editorial Board of the journal Radiation biology. Radioecology adheres to the standards of academic ethics, protects authors' reputations, and takes seriously all the cases of plagiarism. Plagiarism may affect the career of the researcher. In such situations a system of procedures, which enables us to respond to possible charges of plagiarism, is used.
To ensure objectivity, the Editorial Board thoroughly examines each case and considers the arguments of all parties concerned.
Before taking further actions, the Editorial Board seeks for the most accurate information from the authors of the controversial publication or the copyright holders and examines it. The decision of the Editorial Board is impartial, unbiased and is not influenced by the third parties.
The Editorial Board reserves the right not to respond to accusations of plagiarism, if the prosecutor provides false personal information (for example, takes a fictitious name), or acts in an unethical or threatening manner. The Editorial Board is not obliged to discuss the cases of alleged plagiarism with persons who have no direct relation to it.
Current Issue
The average period from submission to first decision in last year was 30 days, and that from first decision to acceptance was 40 days. The rejection rate for submitted manuscripts in last year was 15%.
Yes, authors are provided with pdf files. The files are sent to the authors' addresses specified in the file "Information about authors".