Redefining the Critical Value of Significance Level (0.005 instead of 0.05):The Bayes Trace
- Rubanovich A.V.
- pp. 453-462
The Use of EPR Spectroscopy at System Analysis of Organism Radiosensitivity/Radioresistance. Experience and Tendencies
- Sharygin V.L.
- pp. 463-476
Modeling of the Main Clinical Manifestations of the Prodromal Stage of Acute Radiation Syndrome in Animals
- Drachev I.S., Legeza V.I., Seleznev A.B., Grebenyuk A.N.
- pp. 477-483
The Problem of Analysis of Post-Radiation Changes in the Number of γH2AX Fociin Asynchronous Cell Population
- Grekhova A.K.,,, Pustovalova M.V.,, Eremin P.S., Yashkina E.I., Osipov A.N.,
- pp. 484-489
Peculiarities of Immune Status in People Exposed to Chronic Irradiation and Having High Levels of Chromosomal Aberrations at Later Time Points
- Akleyev A.A.,, Vozilova A.V., Dolgushin I.I.
- pp. 490-497
Prognosis of Dynamics of Radiation-Induced Blood Neutrophil Count Accordingto the Results of Cytogenetic Research of the Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Cultures in Cases of Acute Non-Uniform Exposures (Cytogenetic Investigations)
- Nugis V. Yu.
- pp. 498-510
Initiator Caspases-8 and -12 in the Processes of Realizing Selected Stages of Human Lymphocyte Apoptosis by UV-Radiation
- Nakvasina M.A., Tokmakova E.V., Efremova D.S., Artyukhov V.G.
- pp. 511-516
The Accumulation and Distribution of 90Sr and 137Cs Radionuclides in the System “Water–Dense Sediments–Macrophytes” of Lake Kuyash
- Kablova K.V., Deryagin V.V., Levina S.G., Sutyagin A.A.
- pp. 517-523
About Formation of Doses of External Irradiation of Surface Soil Layersin Pine Biogeocenoses in the Primary Period after Radioactive Fallout
- Perevolotsky A.N., Perevolotskaya Т.V., Spiridonov S.I.
- pp. 524-534
Comprehensive Assessment of the Possibility of Returning the Lands Subjectedto Radioactive Contamination into Agricultural Production
- Miarzlova V.A., Shapsheyeva T.P.
- pp. 535-547