Radiation Biology of Structurally Different Drosophila melanogaster Genes. Message 9. General Regularities and Locus-Specific Features of Radiomutability of Sex-Linked and Autosomal Genes
- I. D. Alexandrov, M. V. Alexandrova, K. P. Afanasyeva, A. N. Rusakovich, N. E. Harchenko
- pp. 229–239
Three-Color FISH Method: A Comparison of Retrospective Cytogenetic Dose Estimations in Different Patients Undergoing Acute Emergency Irradiation
- E. E. Lomonosova, V. Yu. Nugis, M. G. Kozlova, V. A. Nikitina, I. A. Galstyan, G. P. Snigiryova
- pp. 240–249
Risk of Depressions after Radiation
- G. D. Zasukhina, T. N. Maximova
- pp. 250–254
Metabolic Correction of Cerebral Radiation Syndrome in Small and Large Animals
- M. V. Vasin, L. A. Ilyin, Yu. N. Chernov, I. B. Ushakov
- pp. 255–260
Molgramostim Efficiency Trial in Acute Radiation Damage (Experimental Study)
- A. Yu. Kondakov, I. S. Drachyov, D. V. Remizov, M. A. Karamullin, P. V. Tihomirov, E. B. Suprunova, E. A. Yakunchikova, O. A. Danilova
- pp. 261–269
Ionizing Radiation and Inflammatory Reaction. Formation Mechanisms and Implications
- D. B. Ponomarev, A. V. Stepanov, A. B. Seleznyov, E. V. Ivchenko
- pp. 270–284
The Effect of γ-Irradiation on Mortality and Biomass of the Terrestrial Mollusk F. fruticum M.
- E. E. Cherkasova, G. V. Lavrentyeva,, B. I. Synzynys, O. A. Mirzeabasov, A. N. Pavlov
- pp. 285–299
Radiation Doses of Pine Stands in the Belarusian Sector of the 30-kilometer Zone Around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant at the Present Stage
- Т. V. Perevolotskaya, А. N. Perevolotsky, S. А. Geras’kin
- pp. 300–310
Foreshadowing the Future of Genetic Engineering and Radiobiology: 100 Years From the Beginning of N.V. Timofeeff-Ressovsky's Scientific Work
- I. D. Klabukov,,, A. O. Yakimova, D. S. Baranovskii,, E. M. Yatsenko, V. A. Petrov, L. P. Zhavoronkov, S. A. Ivanov,, P. V. Shegai,, A. D. Kaprin,,
- pp. 311–317
The Main Results of Scientific Research in the Field of Radiobiology and Radioecology for 2022
- V. I. Naidich
- pp. 318-334
VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Medical аnd Environmental Effects оf Ionizing Radiation”
- R. M. Takhauov, I. V. Milto, E. V. Kurbatova
- pp. 335-336