Archives 2023 Vol. 63, № 3

Vol. 63, № 3, 2023


Radiation Biology of Structurally Different Drosophila melanogaster Genes. Message 9. General Regularities and Locus-Specific Features of Radiomutability of Sex-Linked and Autosomal Genes

I. D. Alexandrov, M. V. Alexandrova, K. P. Afanasyeva, A. N. Rusakovich, N. E. Harchenko
pp. 229–239

Three-Color FISH Method: A Comparison of Retrospective Cytogenetic Dose Estimations in Different Patients Undergoing Acute Emergency Irradiation

E. E. Lomonosova, V. Yu. Nugis, M. G. Kozlova, V. A. Nikitina, I. A. Galstyan, G. P. Snigiryova
pp. 240–249

Risk of Depressions after Radiation

G. D. Zasukhina, T. N. Maximova
pp. 250–254

Metabolic Correction of Cerebral Radiation Syndrome in Small and Large Animals

M. V. Vasin, L. A. Ilyin, Yu. N. Chernov, I. B. Ushakov
pp. 255–260

Molgramostim Efficiency Trial in Acute Radiation Damage (Experimental Study)

A. Yu. Kondakov, I. S. Drachyov, D. V. Remizov, M. A. Karamullin, P. V. Tihomirov, E. B. Suprunova, E. A. Yakunchikova, O. A. Danilova
pp. 261–269

Ionizing Radiation and Inflammatory Reaction. Formation Mechanisms and Implications

D. B. Ponomarev, A. V. Stepanov, A. B. Seleznyov, E. V. Ivchenko
pp. 270–284

The Effect of γ-Irradiation on Mortality and Biomass of the Terrestrial Mollusk F. fruticum M.

E. E. Cherkasova, G. V. Lavrentyeva,, B. I. Synzynys, O. A. Mirzeabasov, A. N. Pavlov
pp. 285–299

Radiation Doses of Pine Stands in the Belarusian Sector of the 30-kilometer Zone Around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant at the Present Stage

Т. V. Perevolotskaya, А. N. Perevolotsky, S. А. Geras’kin
pp. 300–310

Foreshadowing the Future of Genetic Engineering and Radiobiology: 100 Years From the Beginning of N.V. Timofeeff-Ressovsky's Scientific Work

I. D. Klabukov,,, A. O. Yakimova, D. S. Baranovskii,, E. M. Yatsenko, V. A. Petrov, L. P. Zhavoronkov, S. A. Ivanov,, P. V. Shegai,, A. D. Kaprin,,
pp. 311–317

The Main Results of Scientific Research in the Field of Radiobiology and Radioecology for 2022

V. I. Naidich
pp. 318-334

VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Medical аnd Environmental Effects оf Ionizing Radiation”

R. M. Takhauov, I. V. Milto, E. V. Kurbatova
pp. 335-336

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