Archives2023Vol. 63, № 3pp. 240–249


Three-Color FISH Method: A Comparison of Retrospective Cytogenetic Dose Estimations in Different Patients Undergoing Acute Emergency Irradiation

E. E. Lomonosova1, V. Yu. Nugis1, M. G. Kozlova1, V. A. Nikitina1, I. A. Galstyan1, G. P. Snigiryova2

1State Research Center – Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia 2Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


This work presents the results of the use of three-color FISH-staining of chromosomes (DNA probes to 1, 4 and 12 pairs of chromosomes) for the cytogenetic study of peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures of four patients at different times after irradiation in various emergency situations. All victims had initial dose estimations: one by EPR signal in the tooth enamel (1.12 Gy) and three by the dicentric frequencies (1.9; 3.2 and 4.3 Gy). There was a strong significant linear correlation between the observed translocation frequencies and the initial dose estimations. Retrospective indication of the dose by translocation frequencies was carried out with the help of own dose-effect curve, the obtained on the basis of experiments with the irradiation of blood of healthy donors in vitro. At the same time, dose estimates in the long terms after irradiation in three of these patients with the greatest lesion were significantly lower than they were established earlier (1.26; 2.06 and 2.47 Gy). The coincidence of the initial and repeated results was observed only in one remaining patient.


Peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures, acute irradiation, three-color FISH-method, translocations, retrospective dose estimation

Current Issue


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