Archives2020V. 60. №4.pp. 411–417


Investigation of UV Modification Processes for Free and Immobilized on the Chitosan Matrix Ficin

C. M. Pankovaa, M. G. Holyavkaa, M. S. Kondratyevc, Yu. M. Vyshkvorkinab, A. N. Lukina, and V. G. Artyukhova

aVoronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia bMoscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia cInstitute of Cell Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia


It was established that under the action of UV irradiation at doses of 151–1510 J/m2, the activity of free ficin (EC and the diameter of its molecules remained at a constant (initial) level. When using doses of 3020, 4530, 6040 J/m2, a decrease in the catalytic ability of the enzyme and an increase in the diameter of its globule were registered, which is probably due to the unfolding of the enzyme molecule. After adsorption of ficin on the matrix of medium molecular weight (200 kDa) and high molecular weight (350 kDa) chitosans, the catalytic ability of the enzyme preparation did not decrease in the whole range of UV doses used by us. It can be assumed that the chitosan matrix acts as a photoprotector for ficin immobilized on it, since the changes in the IR spectra of the cysteine protease adsorbed on it practically do not affect the bands caused by the protein component of the system: amide I, amide II, amide III.


UV irradiation, adsorption immobilization, ficin, chitosan, IR spectroscopy

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