Archives 2020 V. 60. №4.

V. 60. №4., 2020


Peripheral Blood Cell Composition in the In-Utero Exposed Techa River Residents

A. V. Vozilovaa, J. R. Akhmadullinaa,b, V. P. Pushkareva, I. V. Krivoschapovaa, and A. V. Akleyeva,b
pp. 341–351

Experimental Approaches for Preparation and Conduction the Study of the Effects of Radiation to Cognitive Functions of Non-human Primates

I. V. Bondara, L. N. Vasilievaa, L. V. Tereshchenkob, I. D. Shamsieva,b, V. N. Anisimovb, G. V. Mytsinc, and A. V. Latanovb
pp. 352–361

Radiation-induced Changes of Nuclear DNA in Neurons of the Brain

I. B. Ushakova and V. P. Fyodorovb
pp. 362–370

The Changes of the Seed Carotenoids in the Corn Hybrids during Ultraviolet Radiation and Radiation Actions

O. V. Slatinskayaa, Ch. N. Radenivichb, V. V. Shoutovac, and G. V. Maksimova,d
pp. 371–377

B-190 (Indralin) in the Light of History of Formation of Ideas of the Mechanism of Action of Radioprotectors

M. V. Vasina,b
pp. 378–395

Estimation of Efficiency of Preventive Use of B-190 and Acysol in White Outbred Mice under the Combined Exposure of X-Ray Radiation and Carbon Monoxide

A. V. Zavirsky, V. A. Basharin, V. V. Zatsepin, and P. G. Tolkach
pp. 396–403

Experimental Estimation of the Anti-radiation Efficiency of Beta-Estradiol, Indometophene and Composition BP-C2

V. N. Bykova, I. S. Drachevb, A. V. Panchenkoc, E. I. Fedorosc,d, and S. E. Pigarevd
pp. 404–410

Investigation of UV Modification Processes for Free and Immobilized on the Chitosan Matrix Ficin

C. M. Pankovaa, M. G. Holyavkaa, M. S. Kondratyevc, Yu. M. Vyshkvorkinab, A. N. Lukina, and V. G. Artyukhova
pp. 411–417

Assessment of 137Cs Accumulation in Freshwater Fish: Investigation Results in the Schekino Reservoir

N. V. Kuzmenkovaa,b, L. E. Efimovac, М. М. Ivanovc,d, A. К. Rozhkovaa,b, T. Wadae, K. Nanbae, and V. N. Golosovc,d,f
pp. 418–425

Distribution of Natural Radionuclides and 137Cs in Soil Profiles of Forest, Agricultural and Urban Ecosystems of the Moscow Region

D. N. Lipatova, D. V. Manakhov, S. V. Mamikhin, and G. I. Agapkina
pp. 426–438

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