Archives2020V. 60. № 1.pp. 63-70


Experimental Evaluation of the Consequences of the Chronic Influence of Electromagnetic Radiation of the Mobile Communication Range in Antenatal Rat Development Period

O. S. Izmestieva, L. N. Pavlova and L. P. Zhavoronkov

A. Tsyb Medical Radiological Research Center – branch of the National Medical Research Radiological Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Obninsk, Russia


In the experiments on Wistar rats, the effects of chronic low-intensity microwave exposure to the cellular range (1–4 GHz) were evaluated in combination with multi-frequency pulse-modulated electromagnetic «noise» on the model of embryotoxic effects and analysis of postnatal development of irradiated offspring. It was shown that, in the absence of a visible pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, irradiated offspring in postnatal ontogenesis demonstrates deviations in the state of the central nervous system. Functional deficiency manifested itself in the form of emotional instability, a decrease in the motor component of an orienting-exploratory reaction and, as a result, a decrease in cognitive functions.


electromagnetic radiation, cellular communication, antenatal period of development, somatic and psychophysiological development, functional imbalance

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