Study of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number and Heteroplasmy in Different Rat Brain Regions after Cranial Irradiation of Protons
- S. A. Abdullaeva, E. V. Evdokimovskiia, A. I. Gazieva
- pp. 5-11
Concept of T-Cell Genus as the Basis for the Analysis of FIsh Results after Local Bone Marrow Exposure
- E. I. Tolstykha, A. V. Vozilova, M. O. Degteva and A. V. Akleyeva
- pp. 12-25
Experience of Application of Syngeneic Multipotent Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MMSC) Adipose Tissue for Treatment of Severe Radiation Skin Lesions at Various Intervals after Exposure in the Experiment
- Yu. B. Deshevoi, T. A. Nasonova, O. A. Dobrynina, R. V. Deev, V. G. Lebedeva, A. V. Lyrshhikova, T. A. Astrelina and B. B. Moroz
Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Human Stem Cells Institute, Moscow, Russia
- pp. 26-33
Genotypic Peculiarity Recovery Post Radiation Violations of the Immune Reactivity in Mice-Females with the Help of Volatile Chemosignals Intact Mice-Males
- V. G. Isaevaa and L. Yu. Grivtsova
- pp. 34-41
Analysis of Incidence Risk for Different Types of Stroke Among “Мayak” Worker Cohort
- M. B. Moseeva, E. S. Grigoryeva and T. V. Azizova
- pp. 42-50
The Role of the Typological Characteristics of Rats Higher Nervous Activity in the Neurobiologic Effects of Combined Impact of Antiorthostatic Suspension, γ-Rays, Protons and Carbon 12C Ions
- A. S. Shtemberg, A. A. Perevezentsev, K. B. Lebedeva-Georgievskaya, O. V. Mitrofanova, V. S. Kudrin and A. S. Bazyan,
- pp. 51-62
Experimental Evaluation of the Consequences of the Chronic Influence of Electromagnetic Radiation of the Mobile Communication Range in Antenatal Rat Development Period
- O. S. Izmestieva, L. N. Pavlova and L. P. Zhavoronkov
- pp. 63-70
Study of the Accumulation of Tritium in Some Aquatic Organisms: Eggs and Fish (Carassius gibelio), Aquatic Plants Ceratophyllum and Lemna
- L. G. Bondareva
- pp. 71-81
Features of 90Sr Accumulation and Distribution in the Root System of Pinus Sylvestris in the Remote Period after the Chernobyl Fallout
- O. B. Tsvetnova, A. I. Shcheglov and S. R. Besaeva
- pp. 82-88
Variations of Radon Activity Concentration in Traditional Village Houses
- P. S. Miklyaev and T. B. Petrova
- pp. 89-98
Influence of Different Types of Organic Fertilizers on the Transfer of 137Cs into the Grain Crops Harvest
- N. V. Andreeva, N. V. Belova, V. K. Kuznetsov and V. P. Grunskaya
- pp. 99-107