Archives 2020 V. 60. № 1.

V. 60. № 1., 2020


Study of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number and Heteroplasmy in Different Rat Brain Regions after Cranial Irradiation of Protons

S. A. Abdullaeva, E. V. Evdokimovskiia, A. I. Gazieva
pp. 5-11

Concept of T-Cell Genus as the Basis for the Analysis of FIsh Results after Local Bone Marrow Exposure

E. I. Tolstykha, A. V. Vozilova, M. O. Degteva and A. V. Akleyeva
pp. 12-25

Experience of Application of Syngeneic Multipotent Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MMSC) Adipose Tissue for Treatment of Severe Radiation Skin Lesions at Various Intervals after Exposure in the Experiment

Yu. B. Deshevoi, T. A. Nasonova, O. A. Dobrynina, R. V. Deev, V. G. Lebedeva, A. V. Lyrshhikova, T. A. Astrelina and B. B. Moroz Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia, Moscow, Russia Human Stem Cells Institute, Moscow, Russia
pp. 26-33

Genotypic Peculiarity Recovery Post Radiation Violations of the Immune Reactivity in Mice-Females with the Help of Volatile Chemosignals Intact Mice-Males

V. G. Isaevaa and L. Yu. Grivtsova
pp. 34-41

Analysis of Incidence Risk for Different Types of Stroke Among “Мayak” Worker Cohort

M. B. Moseeva, E. S. Grigoryeva and T. V. Azizova
pp. 42-50

The Role of the Typological Characteristics of Rats Higher Nervous Activity in the Neurobiologic Effects of Combined Impact of Antiorthostatic Suspension, γ-Rays, Protons and Carbon 12C Ions

A. S. Shtemberg, A. A. Perevezentsev, K. B. Lebedeva-Georgievskaya, O. V. Mitrofanova, V. S. Kudrin and A. S. Bazyan,
pp. 51-62

Experimental Evaluation of the Consequences of the Chronic Influence of Electromagnetic Radiation of the Mobile Communication Range in Antenatal Rat Development Period

O. S. Izmestieva, L. N. Pavlova and L. P. Zhavoronkov
pp. 63-70

Study of the Accumulation of Tritium in Some Aquatic Organisms: Eggs and Fish (Carassius gibelio), Aquatic Plants Ceratophyllum and Lemna

L. G. Bondareva
pp. 71-81

Features of 90Sr Accumulation and Distribution in the Root System of Pinus Sylvestris in the Remote Period after the Chernobyl Fallout

O. B. Tsvetnova, A. I. Shcheglov and S. R. Besaeva
pp. 82-88

Variations of Radon Activity Concentration in Traditional Village Houses

P. S. Miklyaev and T. B. Petrova
pp. 89-98

Influence of Different Types of Organic Fertilizers on the Transfer of 137Cs into the Grain Crops Harvest

N. V. Andreeva, N. V. Belova, V. K. Kuznetsov and V. P. Grunskaya
pp. 99-107

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