Archives2019Vol. 59, No. 1pp. 68-74


Influence of Exposure to Different Capacities of Natural Radiation on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Different Plant Species

Khlebnyy E.S., Sleptsov I.V., Zhuravskaya A.N.

Institute for Biological Problems of Permafrost Zone the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk, Russia


Influence of different capacities of radiation exposure (CRE), of a chronic exposure to natural radiation (20–3000 μR/h) on physiological and biochemical characteristics of seed posterity of annual grassy plants (Póa angustifólia, Chamérion angustifólium and Potentílla norvégica) growing in the conditions of different CRE and under the identical soil conditions was investigated during progressive time. It is shown that as CRE of raised natural background radiation (RNBR) increases, the physiological characteristics of the studied plant sprouts raise by 1.2–3.3 times at all CRE. It is established that the seed posterity depends on the species and shows a non-monotone increase in the activity of lipid peroxide oxidation and decrease of the total content of fatty acids (FA) depending on CRE of RNBR. A non-linear dependence of the total content of FA depen-ding on the CRE size is traced. Significant changes in the ratio of the sum of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids are not statistically revealed. It is established that the action of various CRE of RNBR on parental organisms and on their seed posterity leads to the changes only of the common concentration of FA, without influencing their ratio.


Capacities of radiation exposure, the raised natural background radiation, plants, antioxidants, fatty acids

Current Issue


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