Editorial Board EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Meet the Editor

Rubanovich Alexander V.

Alexander Rubanovich

PhD, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council on Radiobiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences



Head of the Laboratory of Ecological Genetics, Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia;

Professor, Department of Bioinformatics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Russia

Research Interests

Radiation genetics, population genetics, general and cell radiobiology, biostatistics

Current Issue


Must the original files of illustrations be submitted along with the manuscript?

Yes, by all means. The original of an illustration is the file of illustration in its original format. Photographs should best be submitted in tiff format with the resolution at least 300 dpi.

When should a copyright agreement be submitted?

Agreement as pdf file signed by all co-authors must be submitted by e-mail together with all materials of the article. Original hard copies of the agreement (two copies) must be sent by post to the address of the Editorial Board.

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