Archives2022Vol. 62, № 5pp. 513-522


Modern Cellular Products for the Treatment of Bone Marrow Form Acute Radiation Syndrome

Belozerov D.P.1, Varlamova N.V.1, Potapov P.K.1, Nizovceva O.A.2, Jesibov A.A.1, Bajkiev R.R.1, Markin I.V.1, Zhurbin E.A.1, Finogentov M.E.1

1Military Innovative Technopolis “ERA”, Anapa, Russia 2State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare Anapa City Hospital, Anapa, Russia


Nuclear technology has become part of our daily lives over the past 50 years. The threat of man-made radiation damage and the increasing number of cancer patients in need of radiotherapy are factors contributing to the development of new approaches to the treatment of acute radiation syndrome. This article summarizes information on the effect of ionizing radiation on the human body and analyzes modern approaches to cell therapy. Biomedical cell products based on stem cells for the reconstruction of the hematopoietic system are considered. Currently, there are 10 drugs containing MSCs and 8 drugs containing HSCs in the world, which are approved by the state authorities of various countries (Japan, South Korea, etc.) for medical use. Despite the fact that the therapeutic effect of stem cells has been clinically proven, there are problems that need to be solved to improve the effectiveness of treatment. Such problems include the efficiency of HSCs and MSCs co-transplantation, the optimal order and timing of injections, the dosage of both components, as well as reducing the risk of graft rejection. Solving these problems will make it possible to develop new and improve existing methods of tissue damage regeneration, which will increase lifespan and quality of patient’s life with acute radiation sickness.


Ionizing radiation, acute radiation syndrome, cell therapy, MSCs, HSCs

Current Issue


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