Archives2022Vol. 62, № 4pp. 416-423


Experimental Study of the Effectivness of the Naphazoline and Co-Administration of Filgrastim in Combined Radiation Injury

Ponomarev D.B., Remizov D.V., Kondakov A. YU., Drachyov I.S., Tikhomirov P.V., Kudryashov V.S.

State Scientific Research Test Institute of the Military Medicine Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation, St.-Petersburg, Russia


The effects of drugs naphazoline and filgrastim, upon individual and co-administration, on the course and outcome of combined radiation-mechanical injury were examined in experimental studies in mice. In mice exposed to ionizing radiation at LD50/30 with a subsequent mechanical injury, naphazoline and filgrastim, upon individual administration, reduced the bone-marrow hemapoiesis impairment severity and hemapoietic cells' proliferative activity, contributing to survival increase by 20 and 30% correspondingly. Co-administration of naphazoline (prophylactically, 15 min preexposure) and filgrastim (during 10 days) has a significant protective effect under specified combined injury, characterized by a 50% survival increase, a reduced postradiational leukopenia severity, increased colony-formation and myelopoiesis.


Granulocyte colony-forming factor, combined radiation-mechanical injury, naphazoline, ionizing radiation, acute radiation injury, filgrastim, endogenous colony-formation

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