Archives2022Vol. 62, № 1pp. 42-48


Issues of the Organization of the Development of Anti-Radiation Agents in Russia in the Aspect of Drug Safety in Case of Radiation Incidents

L. M. Rozhdestvensky1, N. A. Bogdanenko1, E. V. Ilchenko1, D. V. Guryev1,2, Yu. A. Fedotov1,2, A. N. Osipov1,2,3

1A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical and Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia 2N.N. Semenov Federal Center of Chemical Physics, Russian Academie of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 3Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia


The paper reviews in short hystorical aspect the development of anti-radiation agents for radiation incidents in Russia. There has been noted the important role of different science centers colloboration in the creation of 2 base medical drugs B-190/indralin and betaleukine in the period before Chernobyl accident. But then in zero and the tenth years of 21st century it was occured the decreasing of anti-radiation agents development in all the leading centers.. The reasons of the crysis are connected to management decreasing, to massive γ-irradiation facility conversation, the closure of research center range, the retardation in science research infrastructure (modern vivariums, nurseries for lab animals breeding, modern facility equipment). There were arised serious difficulties regarding 2nd stage clinical trials carrying for anti-radiation agents. To overcome the crysis it’s required first of all to consolidate departmental management concerning specifically Federal medico-biological agency of Russia, Russian Academy of sciences, Ministry of Health. The goal of departmental management should consist in restoration and advancement science-research infrastructure of their subordinate centers and institutes. It’s necessary also to develop new methodological guidelines of anti-radiation agents preclinical study. The last should be targeted at finding biomarkers of increased (under anti-radiation agents influence) radioresistance. The biomarkers, that detect pharmacological effect correlating with anti-radiation effect might be applied at human beings in 2nd stage of clinical trials without radiation exposure.


anti-radiation agents, betaleukin, indralin, biomarkers of increased radioresistance

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