Archives2018Vol. 58, No. 4pp. 389–394


Nanosecond Repetitive Pulsed X-Ray Irradiation of the Epididymal Adipose Tissue of Mice: Neurobiological Effect

Kereya A.V. 1 2, Zharkova L.P.1 3, Kuptsov A.E. 1 3, Bolshakov M.A.1 2, Kutenkov O.P.1, and Rostov V.V.1

1 Institute of High-Current Electronics, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
2 Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk, Russia
3 National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia


The epididymal adipose tissue of laboratory mice was exposed to nanosecond repetitive pulsed x-ray radiation (pulse repetition frequency – 8, 13 and 22 Hz, total absorbed doses – 0.2 and 1 Gy). Both the changes in behavioral responses of mice in the «open field» (a test to provide indication of changes in the brain activity) and the changes in the mass of epididymal adipose tissue and internal organs were estimated. The value of the motor activity, fat mass and body mass of the animals after ten-day nanosecond repetitive pulsed X-ray irradiation (4000 pulses daily) was found to be reduced. The effect of exposure depended on the pulse repetition frequency and the absorbed dose. The increased stress in the body is possible as a result of exposure.


epididymal adipose tissue, repetitively pulsed X-ray, nanosecond pulses, behavioral components of mice

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