Archives2018Vol. 58, No. 4pp. 373–381


Retrospective Analysis of Peripheral Blood Cell Composition in Chronically Exposed Individuals in the Period Prior to Acute Leukemia Development

Akleyev A.A.1 2 and Dolgushina I.I.1

1 South-Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
2 Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia


A retrospective analysis of the peripheral blood cell composition has been performed among 22 Techa riverside residents, exposed to chronic radiation with a predominant irradiation of red bone marrow and later diagnosed with acute leukemia (the average value of the exposure dose to red bone marrow was 0.95 ± 0.16 Gy, the range of individual doses varied from 0.01 to 2.54 Gy). The most significant changes in the peripheral blood cell composition among the irradiated persons who were later diagnosed with acute leukemia were observed in neutrophilic granulocytes. Peculiarities of the peripheral blood cell composition among the individuals with acute leukemia at a later date were «rejuvenation» of neutrophils in the period of the maximum radiation exposure (1950–1956) and in the leukemia latency period. During haematopoiesis restoration period (1957–1970), high mean values of mature neutrophils were detected in the majority of the exposed individuals with acute leukemia. Higher mean values of neutrophils remained in these individuals in remote periods.


Techa River, chronic radiation exposure, acute leukemia, peripheral blood cell composition

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