Archives → 2023 → Vol. 63, № 4 → pp. 432–440
Military Doctors are Members of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Radiobiology
A. N. Grebenyuk1,2
1Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russia 2St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University, St. Petersburg, Russia
From the moment of its creation in 1962 to the present, the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Radiobiology (originally the Scientific Council at the USSR Academy of Sciences on the complex problem «Radiobiology») has paid great attention to the damaging effects of radiation and medical radiation protection. Already the first composition of the Council included scientists who received significant experience in the field of radiobiology during active military service in educational, scientific and clinical institutions of the USSR Ministry of Defense – T.K. Dzharakyan, P.G. Zherebchenko, G.A. Zedgenidze, A.S. Mozzhukhin, V.P. Paribok. The first chairman of the Bureau of the Council was the outstanding Soviet radiobiologist A.V. Lebedinsky, who previously led radiobiological research at the Kirov Military Medical Academy. Over the years, the Council included current and retired military doctors – I.G. Akoev, E.A. Zherbin, V.I. Legeza, A.N. Grebenyuk. The Deputy Chairman of the Council, President of the Radiobiological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences is currently I.B. Ushakov, who for a long time headed scientific institutions specialized for military radiobiology – the State Research Test Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the State Research Test Institute of Military Medicine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Throughout the existence of the Council, military doctors took an active part in its work, formed and supervised relevant research in the field of military radiobiology and medical radiation protection.
Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Radiobiologymilitary doctorsionizing radiationmedical radiation protectionhistory of radiobiology
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