Meet the Editor

Mamikhin Sergey Vitalievitch

Mamikhin Sergey Vitalievitch

PhD, Dr. Sci. (Biol.)


Leading researcher, Department of Radioecology and Ecotoxicology, Soil Science Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Research Interests

Radiation ecology, migration of radionuclides, formation of dose loads on biota, ecotoxicology, computer-information technologies and mathematical modelling in ecology

Current Issue


Must the original files of illustrations be submitted along with the manuscript?

Yes, by all means. The original of an illustration is the file of illustration in its original format. Photographs should best be submitted in tiff format with the resolution at least 300 dpi.

Can a manuscript be rejected if it is not prepared in accordance with the rules for preparation of manuscripts?

Yes, in this case the paper can be rejected.

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