Archives 2022 Vol. 62, № 3

Vol. 62, № 3, 2022


Average Accumulated Radiation Doses foe World Nuclear Workers: Low Doses, Low Effects. Comparison with Doses for Medical Radiologists

Koterov A. N., Tukov A. R., Ushenkova L. N., Kalinina M. V., and Biryukov A. P.
pp. 227-239

Genotoxic Effect of Paraquat Radiomimetic on Escherichia coli Bacteria

Machigov E.A., Igonina E.V., Sviridova D.V., Rubanovich A.V., Abilev S.K.,
pp. 240-249

Radioligand Therapy of Patients with Castrate-resistant Prostate Cancer

Nemtsova E.R., Pankratov A.A., Morozova N.B., Tischenko V.K., Petriev V.M., Krylov V.V., Shegay P.V., Ivanov S.A., Kaprin A.D.
pp. 250-263

Increasing the Radiosensitivity of MCF-7 Cancer Stem Cells Cultivated as Mammospheres to γ- and γ-neutron Irradiation with Metformin

Shuvatova V.G., Kuvyrchenkova A.P., Semochkina Yu.P., Moskaleva E.Yu.
pp. 264-272

Conditional Lifetime Radiation Riskin a Heterogeneous Hibakusha Cohort

Obesnyuk V. F.
pp. 273–286

Biological Effects Evaluation of Ozone and Electromagnetic Pulses Combined Exposure from Electric discharge Unit

Gavrish N.N., Ushakov I.B., Maksimov S.G., Perov S. Yu., Belaya O.V.
pp. 287–294

Retrospective Assessment of Formation of Radiation Situation in Pine Plantations in First Year after Chernobyl Accident

Perevolotskaya T. V., Perevolotsky A. N., and Geras’kin S. А.
pp. 295–307

Morphometric Indicators of Pine Needles 35 Years after the Chernobyl Accident

Makarenko E.S., Lychenkova M.A., Geras'kin S.A., Perevolotsky A.N., Perevolotskaya Т.V.
pp. 308–314

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