Archives2022Vol. 62, № 6pp. 615–619


Resonant Absorption of Microwaves by DNA Molecules

Ikhlov B. L., Volkhin I. L., and Oshchepkov A. Yu.

Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia


The aim of the study is to detect the resonant absorption of an ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic field (MICROWAVE EMF) in the centimeter range by DNA molecules at a frequency corresponding to the natural frequency of torsional vibrations of the DNA helix. Instead of the DNA solution, cultures of various bacteria were used, the resonant frequencies of DNA helices’ torsional vibrations of which were calculated. The cultures were placed in test tubes or a cuvette and exposed to a microwave generator. A theoretical analysis of the reaction of DNA to external ultrahigh-frequency radiation, including taking into account the environment and in the process of replication with the formation of replicative forks, was carried out, and the resonant frequencies of DNA of bacteria were determined. The peak absorption of microwave EMF by bacterial cultures was found at the calculated frequencies corresponding to the natural frequencies of torsional vibrations of bacterial DNA helices.


Torsional vibrations, power flux density, electromagnetic field, ultrahigh frequency

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