Chitosan matrix as a photomodulator for bromelain
- S. M. Pankova,, M. G. Holyavka,, M. S. Kondrat'ev, Yu. M. Vyshkvorkina, A. N. Lukin, V. G. Artyukhov
- pp. 451-459
Study of the dynamics of the accumulation of the photosensitizer – liposomal borined chlorine E6 – in experimental tumors of various morphological types
- Abramova О.B., Drozhzhina V.V., Beregovskaya E.A., Churikova T.P., Kaplan М.А.
- pp. 460-470
Postirradiation apoptosis of peripheral blood lymphocytes as a marker of individual radiosensitivity: a mini-review
- Philchenkov A.A.
- pp. 471-479
The effect of iodine and selenium preparations on the course and outcome of acute radiation damage
- R. O. Vasiliev, I. S. Drachev, N. Yu. Yugatova, E. I. Troshin, V. A. Myasnikov, A. N. Grebenyuk
- pp. 480-491
Pharmacotherapy of gastrointestinal tract injuries caused by radioactive particles in animals
- Budarkov V.А., Zenkin А.S., Grekhova N.B, Kozmin G.V.
- pp. 492-505
The cytokine profile of chronically irradiated people in long terms after the beginning of irradiation
- Е. А. Kodintseva,, А. А. Akleyev,, Е. А. Blinova,
- pp. 506-514
Leukemia inhibitory factor and cellular turnover in various types of pulmonary fibrosis in plutonium production workers
- Sychugov G.V., Kazachkov E.L., Osovets S.V., Grigoryeva E.S., Sychugov A.G., Azizova T.V.
- pp. 515-523
Changes in the radiation situation in the mossy pine forests of the chernobyl npp exclusion zone
- Garbaruk D.K., Uglyanets A.V., Kudin M.V.
- pp. 524-535
Monitoring of tritium in the area of Ozyorsk location
- Chebotina M. YA.
- pp. 536-542
Influence of calcium chloride on vertical migration of 90Sr in gray forest soil
- Grakovsky V.G., Frid A.S.
- pp. 543-554