Archives 2021 V. 61. № 5

V. 61. № 5, 2021


Chitosan matrix as a photomodulator for bromelain

S. M. Pankova,, M. G. Holyavka,, M. S. Kondrat'ev, Yu. M. Vyshkvorkina, A. N. Lukin, V. G. Artyukhov
pp. 451-459

Study of the dynamics of the accumulation of the photosensitizer – liposomal borined chlorine E6 – in experimental tumors of various morphological types

Abramova О.B., Drozhzhina V.V., Beregovskaya E.A., Churikova T.P., Kaplan М.А.
pp. 460-470

Postirradiation apoptosis of peripheral blood lymphocytes as a marker of individual radiosensitivity: a mini-review

Philchenkov A.A.
pp. 471-479

The effect of iodine and selenium preparations on the course and outcome of acute radiation damage

R. O. Vasiliev, I. S. Drachev, N. Yu. Yugatova, E. I. Troshin, V. A. Myasnikov, A. N. Grebenyuk
pp. 480-491

Pharmacotherapy of gastrointestinal tract injuries caused by radioactive particles in animals

Budarkov V.А., Zenkin А.S., Grekhova N.B, Kozmin G.V.
pp. 492-505

The cytokine profile of chronically irradiated people in long terms after the beginning of irradiation

Е. А. Kodintseva,, А. А. Akleyev,, Е. А. Blinova,
pp. 506-514

Leukemia inhibitory factor and cellular turnover in various types of pulmonary fibrosis in plutonium production workers

Sychugov G.V., Kazachkov E.L., Osovets S.V., Grigoryeva E.S., Sychugov A.G., Azizova T.V.
pp. 515-523

Changes in the radiation situation in the mossy pine forests of the chernobyl npp exclusion zone

Garbaruk D.K., Uglyanets A.V., Kudin M.V.
pp. 524-535

Monitoring of tritium in the area of Ozyorsk location

Chebotina M. YA.
pp. 536-542

Influence of calcium chloride on vertical migration of 90Sr in gray forest soil

Grakovsky V.G., Frid A.S.
pp. 543-554

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