The Methodology of EPR Spectroscopy using in Analysis of Physical and Chemical Mechanisms of Radio-Genetics Damages in Animal and Human Organisms
- V. L. Sharygin
- pp. 117–132
Hypertension Incidence Risk in a Cohort of “Mayak” PA Workers Exposed to Radiation over Prolonged Periods
- T. V. Azizova, K. V. Briks, M. V. Bannikova, and E. S. Grigoryeva
- pp. 133–143
Cytostatic and Radiomodifying Effects of D-Glucosamine on Human Cells in Culture
- N. Ya. Giliano, M. M. Dubotolova, L. A. Noskin, L. V. Konevega, S. I. Stepanov, and F. M. Ibatullin
- pp. 144–150
Comparative Effectiveness of Singful Cultivated Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MMSC) and Freshly Isolated Cells of Stromal-Vascular Fraction (SVF) of Fat Tissue in the Treatment of Severe Local Radiation Lesions in the Experiment
- Yu. B. Deshevoi, V. G. Lebedev, T. A. Nasonova, O. A. Dobrynina, A. V. Lyrshhikova, T. A. Astrelinaa, and B. B. Moroz
- pp. 151–157
The Influence of the Superoxide Dismutase Preparation “Rexod®” on Survival of CFUs in С57ВL/6 Mice
- A. V. Akleyeva,b, I. A. Shaposhnikovaa, I. V. Churilovac, A. N. Grebenyukc,d, and E. A. Pryakhina
- pp. 158–166
Behavioral Activity and Cortycosterone Level in the Mice Blood Serum During the 7-day Exposure to Nanosecond Microwave Pulses
- А. V. Samoylovaa,b,c, М. А. Bolshakova,c, L. P. Zharkovaa,c, А. А. Gostyuhinaa,d,
О. P. Kutenkova, and V. V. Rostova
- pp. 167–173
Analysis of the Results of the Prolonged Influence of EMP on the Cognitive Functions of the Progeny of Irradiated Rats
- V. V. Panfilova, O. I. Kolganova, and O. F. Chibisova
- pp. 174–179
The Effect of Low-Dose γ-Radiation on Cytogenetic Endpoints of Onion (Allium cepa) Seedlings in Experiments of Various Durations
- A. V. Zueva, E. A. Trofimova, D. V. Dementyev, and A. Ya. Bolsunovsky
- pp. 180–188
Analysis of Cytogenetic and Cytotoxic Effects of Radiation on Red Blood Cells of Fish Inhabiting in Reservoirs the Territory of Polessky State Radiation-ecological Reserve
- A. V. Gulakova, D. N. Drozdova, and D. M. Ivantsoub
- pp. 189–196
Radionuclides in the Major Components and Lakeside Soils of the Ecosystem of the lake Malye Kirpichiki (EURT)
- V. V. Deryagina S. G. Levinaa, A. V. Akleyevb,c, and A. A. Sutyagina
- pp. 197–205
At the Dawn of Radiation Genetics
- G. B. Smirnov
- pp. 206–213