Archives 2021 V. 61. №1.

V. 61. №1., 2021


The Changes in Immunomodulatory and Attractive Properties of Mice Secretions after Radiation Exposure or “Bystander Effect”

B. P. Surinov, A. N. Sharetsky, and N. N. Dukhov
pp. 5–13

Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Incidence Risks in a Cohort of Workers Chronically Exposed to Ionizing Radiation

M. V. Bannikova, T. V. Azizova, E. S. Grigoryeva, and V. L. Rybkina
pp. 14–24

Effects of Combined Action of Low Doses Ionizing Radiation and Oxidative Stress Inducers on Hemostasis

A. N. Staroselskaya
pp. 25–31

Cognitive Impairment and Induction of Neuroinflammation in the Late Period after Single Whole Brain γ-Irradiation of Mice

A. S. Zhirnik, O. D. Smirnova, Ju. P. Semochkina, K. D. Shibaeva, A. V. Rodina, M. G. Ratushnjak, and E. Ju. Moskaleva
pp. 32–43

The Formation and Development of Radiobiology and Radiation Medicine in Russia in the Late XIX and First Half of XX Century

A. N. Grebenyukaa, L. A. Kushnirb, and A. A. Timoshevskiic
pp. 44–53

Modern Ideas about the Mechanisms of Action of Ultraviolet Radiation on Cells and Subcellular Systems

V. G. Artyukhov and O. V. Basharina
pp. 54–68

To the Question of Efficiency of EMF Modulated by Frequencies in the Range of EEG Rhythms

S. N. Lukyanova, Yu. G. Grigoryev, and V. S. Stepanov
pp. 69–78

Accumulation of Long-lived Radionuclides by the Marsh Frog in the Cooling Pond of the Beloyarsky NPP

M. Ya. Chebotina, V. P. Guseva, and D. L. Berzin
pp. 79–86

Analysis of Data on the Radionuclide Adsorption in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Farm Animals N. N. Isamova,# and S

N. N. Isamova and S. V. Fesenko
pp. 87–104

Assessment of Environmental and Economic Damage from Radioactive Contamination of the Environment

I. I. Kryshev, A. A. Buryakova, and T. G. Sazykina
pp. 105–112

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