Archives 2020 V. 60. №5.

V. 60. №5., 2020


Hill’s Criteria “Biological Plausibility”. Integration of Data from Various Disciplines for Epidemiology and Radiation Epidemiology

A. N. Koterov, L. N. Ushenkova, and A. P. Biryukova
pp. 453–480

Radiation-induced DNA Methylation Changes: in vitro and in vivo Studies

N. S. Kuzmina
pp. 481–506

Features of Genotoxic Exposure by α-Radiation in Drosophila melanogaster Test-systems

Z. M. Biyasheva, M. Zh. Tleubergenova, Yu. A. Zaripova, V. V. Dyachkov, and S. Zh. Kolumbaeva
pp. 507–515

Hyperthermia as a Method of Radiosensitization of Tumor Cells Unsusceptible to Pharmacological Radiosensitizers

A. V. Khokhlova, A. O. Yakimova, V. A. Mosina, E. I. Selivanova, and A. E. Kabakov
pp. 516–523

Patterns of Synergic Interaction Display after Heavy Metals Combined with Hyperthermia or Ionizing Radiation

M. S. Tolkayevaa, A. N. Filimonovab, O. A. Vorobeya, E. S. Evstratovab, and V. G. Petina
pp. 524–531

Significance of Adequate Information about the Danger of Cellular Connection for Health of Population in the XXI Century

Yu. G. Grigorieva,b,c
pp. 532–541

Ranking of Reactor Facilities Based on the Assessment of Potential Radiation Impact on the Environment

S. I. Spiridonov and R. A. Mikailova
pp. 542–550

Model of Distribution of Particles of Chronic Radioactive Fallout in Meadow Biogeocenosis

A. N. Perevolotsky and Т. V. Perevolotskaya
pp. 551–559

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