Archives → 2020 → V. 60. №5.
V. 60. №5., 2020
- pp. 453–480
Radiation-induced DNA Methylation Changes: in vitro and in vivo Studies
- pp. 481–506
Features of Genotoxic Exposure by α-Radiation in Drosophila melanogaster Test-systems
- pp. 507–515
- pp. 516–523
- pp. 524–531
- pp. 532–541
- pp. 542–550
Model of Distribution of Particles of Chronic Radioactive Fallout in Meadow Biogeocenosis
- pp. 551–559
Current Issue
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Yes, by all means. The original of an illustration is the file of illustration in its original format. Photographs should best be submitted in tiff format with the resolution at least 300 dpi.