Radiation-induced Inter-organism Bystander Effects. Some Aspects of the Transmission
- V. V. Petushkova I. I. Pelevina, I. N. Kogarko, Е. А. Neyfakh, B. S. Kogarko, and O. V. Ktitorova
- pp. 229–238
The Long Noncoding RNA in Radiation Response
- L. V. Shuleninaa, V. F. Mikhailova, and G. D. Zasukhinaa,b
- pp. 239–248
Cytogenetic Effects in Crested Hairgrass Populations from the Technical Site “4A” of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site where Combat Radioactive Substances Were Tested
- K. S. Minkenovaa, Z. A. Baigazinova, S. A. Geras’kin, abnd A. N. Perevolotskyb
- pp. 249–264
Biodosimetry technique based on CD3+CD4+ Lymphocyte Levels for Assessment of Chronic Radiation Exposure
- S. V. Osovets, V. L. Rybkina, and T. V. Azizova
- pp. 265–269
Early Delayed Effect of Accelerated Carbon Ions and Protons on the Cognitive Functions of Mice
- S. S. Sorokinaa S. I. Zaichkinaa, O. M. Rozanovaa, A. E. Shemyakova, E. H. Smirnovaa, A. R. Dyukinaa, A. E. Malkova, V. E. Balakinb, and V. A. Pikalovc
- pp. 270–278
Difficulties in Radiation Counter Measure Preparations Development in Russia in Crysis Period: Actual Approaches Searching
- L. M. Rozhdestvensky
- pp. 279–290
Investigation of Radioprotective Efficiency of the Condensation Products of Thiol-containing Hydrazides with Mono- and Disaccharides
- I. V. Lagodaa, E. А. Yakunchikovaa, I. S. Drachyova, А. N. Grebenyukab, A. A. Martynenkovc, L. Yu. Kuleshovad, M. A. Kopanitsad, and A. Yu. Ershovc
- pp. 291–297
Correlation of Volume Activity of Tritium in Melted Snow and Birch Sap in “Mayak” PA Affected Area in Spring 2016
- V. V. Vostrotina, A. Y. Yanov, and L. V. Finashov
- pp. 298–304
Determination of Annual Effective Doses of Irradiation of Population from Radon on Territory of Gomel, Mogilev and Vitebsk Regions
- A. L. Chekhovskiya, D. N. Drozdova, I. V. Zhukb, and L. A. Chunikhina
- pp. 305–311