Archives 2020 V. 60. №3.

V. 60. №3., 2020


Radiation-induced Inter-organism Bystander Effects. Some Aspects of the Transmission

V. V. Petushkova I. I. Pelevina, I. N. Kogarko, Е. А. Neyfakh, B. S. Kogarko, and O. V. Ktitorova
pp. 229–238

The Long Noncoding RNA in Radiation Response

L. V. Shuleninaa, V. F. Mikhailova, and G. D. Zasukhinaa,b
pp. 239–248

Cytogenetic Effects in Crested Hairgrass Populations from the Technical Site “4A” of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site where Combat Radioactive Substances Were Tested

K. S. Minkenovaa, Z. A. Baigazinova, S. A. Geras’kin, abnd A. N. Perevolotskyb
pp. 249–264

Biodosimetry technique based on CD3+CD4+ Lymphocyte Levels for Assessment of Chronic Radiation Exposure

S. V. Osovets, V. L. Rybkina, and T. V. Azizova
pp. 265–269

Early Delayed Effect of Accelerated Carbon Ions and Protons on the Cognitive Functions of Mice

S. S. Sorokinaa S. I. Zaichkinaa, O. M. Rozanovaa, A. E. Shemyakova, E. H. Smirnovaa, A. R. Dyukinaa, A. E. Malkova, V. E. Balakinb, and V. A. Pikalovc
pp. 270–278

Difficulties in Radiation Counter Measure Preparations Development in Russia in Crysis Period: Actual Approaches Searching

L. M. Rozhdestvensky
pp. 279–290

Investigation of Radioprotective Efficiency of the Condensation Products of Thiol-containing Hydrazides with Mono- and Disaccharides

I. V. Lagodaa, E. А. Yakunchikovaa, I. S. Drachyova, А. N. Grebenyukab, A. A. Martynenkovc, L. Yu. Kuleshovad, M. A. Kopanitsad, and A. Yu. Ershovc
pp. 291–297

Correlation of Volume Activity of Tritium in Melted Snow and Birch Sap in “Mayak” PA Affected Area in Spring 2016

V. V. Vostrotina, A. Y. Yanov, and L. V. Finashov
pp. 298–304

Determination of Annual Effective Doses of Irradiation of Population from Radon on Territory of Gomel, Mogilev and Vitebsk Regions

A. L. Chekhovskiya, D. N. Drozdova, I. V. Zhukb, and L. A. Chunikhina
pp. 305–311

Current Issue


What is time from submission of the article to its publication?

The average period from submission to first decision in last year was 30 days, and that from first decision to acceptance was 40 days. The rejection rate for submitted manuscripts in last year was 15%.

Is it possible to submit a manuscript and all the accompanying documents via e-mail?

Yes. Most of the journals accept submissions via e-mail .

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