Archives2019Vol. 59, No. 5pp. 527-531


Effects of Proton Irradiation on Cognitive Puzzle-box Task Solutionin Mice and Adult Brain Neurogenesis

Poletaeva I.I.1, Perepelkina O.V.1, Ogienko N.A.1, Tarassova A. Yu.1, Lilp I.G.1, Koshlan I.V.2,3, Pavlova G.V.4, Krasavin E.A.2

1Biology Department, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 2Joint Institute for Nuclear Researches, Dubna, Russia. 3State University “Dubna”, Dubna, Russia. 4Institute of Gene Biology, RAS, Moscow, Russia


Proton beam irradiation (1, 2 and 4 Gy, 150 MeV) of hybrid male mice F1 (CBA × С57BL/6J) has changed their behavior ambiguously. The irradiated mice performed significantly less successfully than control ones in the puzzle-box test at those stages, when the underpass to the safe box compartment was masked by wood shavings, and they had to dig it. At the same time, they were significantly more successful at the stages when the underpass was masked by the light cork, which should be removed as it blocked the entrance. Reduction in the neurogenesis in two proliferative forebrain zones had been demonstrated in irradiated mice.


proton irradiation, cognitive ability, object permanence test, digging reaction, adult neurogenesis, laboratory mice

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