Archives 2019 Vol. 59, No. 2

Vol. 59, No. 2, 2019


Challenges of Development of Radiation Countermeasures

Rozhdestvensky L.M.
pp. 117-126

Contemporary Problems and Perspectives of Development and Implementationof Domestic Radioprotective Drugs

Filimonova M.V., Filimonov A.S.
pp. 127-131

Modern Condition and Prospects for Development of Medicines for Preventionand Early Treatment of Radiation Injures

Grebenyuk A.N. , Gladkikh V.D.
pp. 132-149

Pharmacological Protection in Distant Space: Modern View

Ushakov I.B.,, Vasin M.V.
pp. 150-160

Radiomitigators – Classification, Pharmacological Properties and Application Prospects

Legeza V.I., Grebenyuk A.N., Drachev I.S.
pp. 161-169

Perspectives for Cytokines and Cytokine Synthesis Inducers as Radioprotectors

Simbirtsev A.S., Ketlinsky S.A.
pp. 170-176

Participation of Recovery Processes in the Effects of Radioprotectorson Cell and Organism Levels

Filimonova M.V., Evstratova Е.S., Мakarchuk V.M., Shevchenko L.I., Filimonov A.S., Petin V.G.
pp. 177-182

Ethanol as a Possible Modifier of Acute Radiation Lesions of the Brain

Fyodorov V.P., Ushakov I.B.,, Shalnova G.A.
pp. 183-190

The Effect of the Medical Drug “Semaks” on the Vital Status and Brain Damageof Mice after Irradiation by Protons

Lyakhova K.N.,,, Kolesnikova I.A.,, Budennaya N.N.,, Severiukhin Yu. S.,,, Bychkova T.M.,, Nikitenko O.V.,, Utina D.M.,, Molokanov A.G., Ivanov A.A.
pp. 191-199

NOS Inhibitors as Agents for Prevention and Therapy of Combined Radiation-Thermal Injuries

Chesnakova E.A., Filimonova M.V., Makarchuk V.M., Samsonovа A.S., Коrneeva T.S., Shevchenko L.I., Surinova V.I., Filimonov A.S.
pp. 200-204

Influence of Liposomal Compositions Containing AFP and GCSF Recombinant Human Proteins on the Mice Skin Radiation Burn According to Clinical Indicators and Indices of the Skin Stem Cells

Pryakhin E.A., Trjapitsyna G.A.,, Shaposhnikova I.A., Tyuhay M.V.,, Ostroumov Yu. I., Shmelin P.S., Akleev A.V.,
pp. 205-213

Inhibition of DNA Double Strand Break Repair by Niclosamide in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells

Zhirnik A.S., Semochkina Y.P., Moskaleva E. Yu.
pp. 214-221

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