Challenges of Development of Radiation Countermeasures
- Rozhdestvensky L.M.
- pp. 117-126
Contemporary Problems and Perspectives of Development and Implementationof Domestic Radioprotective Drugs
- Filimonova M.V., Filimonov A.S.
- pp. 127-131
Modern Condition and Prospects for Development of Medicines for Preventionand Early Treatment of Radiation Injures
- Grebenyuk A.N. , Gladkikh V.D.
- pp. 132-149
Pharmacological Protection in Distant Space: Modern View
- Ushakov I.B.,, Vasin M.V.
- pp. 150-160
Radiomitigators – Classification, Pharmacological Properties and Application Prospects
- Legeza V.I., Grebenyuk A.N., Drachev I.S.
- pp. 161-169
Perspectives for Cytokines and Cytokine Synthesis Inducers as Radioprotectors
- Simbirtsev A.S., Ketlinsky S.A.
- pp. 170-176
Participation of Recovery Processes in the Effects of Radioprotectorson Cell and Organism Levels
- Filimonova M.V., Evstratova Е.S., Мakarchuk V.M., Shevchenko L.I., Filimonov A.S., Petin V.G.
- pp. 177-182
Ethanol as a Possible Modifier of Acute Radiation Lesions of the Brain
- Fyodorov V.P., Ushakov I.B.,, Shalnova G.A.
- pp. 183-190
The Effect of the Medical Drug “Semaks” on the Vital Status and Brain Damageof Mice after Irradiation by Protons
- Lyakhova K.N.,,, Kolesnikova I.A.,, Budennaya N.N.,, Severiukhin Yu. S.,,, Bychkova T.M.,, Nikitenko O.V.,, Utina D.M.,, Molokanov A.G., Ivanov A.A.
- pp. 191-199
NOS Inhibitors as Agents for Prevention and Therapy of Combined Radiation-Thermal Injuries
- Chesnakova E.A., Filimonova M.V., Makarchuk V.M., Samsonovа A.S., Коrneeva T.S., Shevchenko L.I., Surinova V.I., Filimonov A.S.
- pp. 200-204
Influence of Liposomal Compositions Containing AFP and GCSF Recombinant Human Proteins on the Mice Skin Radiation Burn According to Clinical Indicators and Indices of the Skin Stem Cells
- Pryakhin E.A., Trjapitsyna G.A.,, Shaposhnikova I.A., Tyuhay M.V.,, Ostroumov Yu. I., Shmelin P.S., Akleev A.V.,
- pp. 205-213
Inhibition of DNA Double Strand Break Repair by Niclosamide in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells
- Zhirnik A.S., Semochkina Y.P., Moskaleva E. Yu.
- pp. 214-221