Archives2018Vol. 58, No. 3pp. 272-276


Luminescent Bacteria – Effective Object to Evaluate the Effect of Neuromediators under Conditions of "Electromagnetic Pollution" of the Environment

Zarubina A.P.1, Sorokina E.V.1, Parkhomenko I.M.1, Gapochka M.G.1

1 M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Data on the possibility of using a biotesting system based on bacterial luminescence for the evaluation of the effect of a non-thermal low-intensity electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in the millimeter range in combination with exogenous toxic and stimulating concentrations of neurotransmitters (serotonin and dopamine) are given. It has been revealed that irradiation by EMP of a mixture of biosensor and serotonin cells causes an increase in the toxicity of serotonin. Also confirmed are our earlier obtained data indicating that the sensitivity of biotest cells to EMR (at a frequency of f = 42.25 GHz) increases in the complex media.

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