Cytogenetic indicators in patients and healthy residents of the bryan and kaluga regions contaminated by radionuclides
- Ivanova T.I., Mkrtchyan L.S., Antoschina M.M., Fesenko E.V., Horohorina V.A., Ovsyannikova N.S., Parshin V.S., Sychenkova H.I., Ragulin Yu.A., Zharikova I.A., Ryabchenko N.I., Krikunova L.I.
- pp. 117-125
Modification of Radiocerebral Effects by Мodified Gas Medium
- Ushakov I.B., Fyodorov V.P.
- pp. 126-145
Regularities in the Formation and Elimination of γH2AX/53ВР1 Foci after y-Ray and Accelerated Heavy Ion Irradiation
- Zadneprianetc M.G. , Boreyko Α.V. , Bulanova T.S. , Jezkova L. , Krasavin E.A. , Kulikova E.A. , Smirnova E.V., Falk M., Falkova I.
- pp. 146-156
Peculiarities of Dynamics of Peripheral Blood Cell Composition in Exposed Individuals in the Period Prior to Chronic Myeloleukemia Development
- Akleyev A.A.
- pp. 157-165
Activity Concentration of 137CS, 238PU, 239+240PU and 241AM in Feces of Wild Hoofed Animals Inhabiting the Exclusion Zone of Chernobyl NPP
- Nikitin A.N., Shurankova O.A., Cheshyk I.A., Kalinichenko S.A., Korol R.A.
- pp. 166-173
Tritium Specific Activity in Snow Cover of Nuclear Explosion Venues
- Turchenko D.V., Lukashenko S.N., Aidarkhanov A.O., Lyakhova O.N.
- pp. 174-182
Radionuclides in Soil in the Areas of Forest Fires on the Territory of the Exclusion Zone in the Republic of Belarus
- Sadchikov V.I., Bondar Yu. I., Zabrotski V.N., Kalinin V.N., Brown J.E., Dowdall M.
- pp. 183-194
The State of Microbiome inside the Premises of the Fourth Unit of Chernobyl NPP
- Pareniuk O. Yu. , Shavanova K.E., Illienko V.V., Nanba K., Simutin I.O. , Samofalova D.A. , Pibalka V.B., Gudkov I.N.
- pp. 195-204
Accumulation of 90Sr in Murine Rodents of the East Ural Radioactive Trace Zone: Influence of Mineral Density of the Bone
- Starichenko V.I.
- pp. 205-213
Methodological Support of Radiobiological Experiments on the "Panorama" Facility
- Lichagin A.A., Ulyanenko S.E., Koryakin S.N., Ulyanenko L.N., Chernukha A.E., Pugachev R.M., Brovin A.I.
- pp. 214-221