Archives2018Vol. 58, No. 1pp. 53-58


Enzymological Effects of the Low-intensity Electromagnetic Radiation With the 1800 MHz Frequency

Petrosyan M.S.1, Nersesova L.S.1, Gazaryants M.G.1, Malakyan M.H.2, Akopian J.I.1

1 Institute of Molecular Biology of National Academy of Sciences of Republic Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2 Research Center of Radiation Medicine and Burns, Yerevan, Armenia


The study aims at evaluating the impact of the 1800 MHz frequency low-intensity electromagnetic radiation on the key enzymes of the cell energy metabolism, namely creatine kinase (CK), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). The dynamics of the post radiation changes in the levels of the enzyme activity was investigated concurrently in the liver and serum of the rats exposed to one-time, as well as repeated irradiation. The comparative analysis of the data obtained shows the development of the hepatocyte energy metabolism stress even on the first post-radiation day following one-time radiation, which over time levels out due to the adaptation possibility of the respective enzymes. Furthermore, repeated irradiation has a less pronounced effect than that applied in a one-time mode. CK — as the most radiosensitive enzyme – can be recommended as a biomarker of radiobiological effects.

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